Thursday, March 26, 2009


Potty Training In Progress

Potty training is in progress at the Plunkett house! Cooper has been acting very interested in it so we're hitting it hard! He has been wearing big boy undies when we're at home, and he went pee pee in the potty for the first time last Saturday! Yay for Cooper! And YAY for less diapers to buy!

Friday, March 20, 2009

My Child's a Genius

So I may be a little biased, but my child is SO smart! He may look like his daddy but he has my brains! Yesterday at his parent teacher conference his teacher told me that he was very creative. Tonight proved it! Here are his "creations" of a fish and a set of keys. He informed me that he did it all by himself. Which he did! Amazing how 4 yr. old minds work. And someday he'll thank me for the pic of him in his undies!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Taking Charge

This morning, Trevin decided that he wanted to take care of Cooper today. He dried him off after his bath, brushed his teeth; with my supervision of course =), put on his shoes and socks, put chocolate in his milk, put his jacket on him, and carried his backpack. When his mission was accomplished he replied with "I'm such a good brother." You think he's heard that a few times?

My boys are growing too fast! Here are some of the new things they're doing....
Cooper's new favorite things to say: Chechin, mere (Trevin come here); stop; where daddy go bo? (no idea where the bo comes from); choc (chocolate milk); nice (when he's telling someone to be nice)
Trevin loves to look at books. Every night I read him one and he'll try to read it back to me. Amazing how he remembers so many details! Makes me proud. On our way to preschool today he cried and said, "I want to go to school with you!" Break my heart!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bad News

So I had my 6 month dental check up today......I was told that my wisdom teeth can no longer stay in my mouth. They're making by bottom teeth shift....YIKES! Horrible news for me. I knew they needed to come out, but didn't want to have to give in. I don't like needles. So the thought of surgery makes me freak! The date's set for June 12. But....when I walked in the door and had these two precious boys run to me saying "Mommy's home!" it made everything better! (Cooper REFUSED to sit by me. and to think he's a momma's boy?)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

No Boys Allowed

My sister and I took a leap of faith today......we tried out a new hair stylist! We had heard MANY good things about her so we jumped in the car and headed south an hour to see Sheryl at the Cutting Room. I'm in the process of growing my hair out so I was very straightforward with her...."Just trim enough to get the dead ends off....I don't want a CUT" She did awesome and was so funny hilarious! She got off on a story about a time that she wanted to get "wings" cut. Oh my... I remember!

Here's me and my sis! By the way....I think the tanning bed is calling my name.
Oh dear...I look albino.
After the hair business we stopped by one of my fave stores, Diana's, where I found this monogram flag for my flowerbed.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Molten Chocolate Skillet Brownie

Ok-So I'm not much of a cook. I can cook, I just don't like to! I'm trying to become more of one so I rounded up some teachers and asked them to give me some of their favorite recipes. Much thanks to Shelly! This recipe came out of her Pampered Chef cookbook.
Molten Chocolate Skillet Brownie
Ingredients: 1 package fudge brownie mix, 1 bar bittersweet chocolate, 1 cup water, 6 oz. chocolate fudge ice cream topping, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, vanilla ice cream
1. Preheat oven to 350. Spray bottom of skillet with nonstick cooking spray. Prepare browine mix for cake-like brownies. Spread batter over bottom of skillet. Cut chocolate into small pieces and sprinkle evenly over batter.
2. Place water and ice cream topping in bowl and wisk until blended. Microwave until boiling (about 3 minutes). Stir in vanilla. Pour fudge topping mixture over brownie batter.
3. Bake uncovered 35-40 min. or until sauce is bubbling around edges. Top with vanilla ice cream.