My sis had her baby today! Kypton Andrew made his way into the world at 1:23 p.m. He weighed 7 lb 8 oz and was 20 in long. The same measurements as my sweet Cooper! Here we are at 7:00 this morning. Until today I was anti-epidural. Kim convinced me that it was the greatest thing in the world. So, I'm getting one too!

Here's the sweet babe. He looks just like Kim!

Big Brother Daeton. So sweet. He kept rubbing him saying "baby". They're only 19 months apart, like me and my older sis.

Here's the happy family! Doesn't she look awesome for just going through labor?!

**On a side note, my brother's wife was induced yesterday morning early. She wasn't progressing so the word was that they were going to do a c-section tonight at 7:00. My mom just called and she's now at a 9!! They live in Virginia so I won't have pics. =(
Also, I'm dilated to a 2! Come on baby!
He is ADORABLE!! Ooooh, I just want to hold him! Does he look just like Daeton? I kinda thought so... but wasn't sure. :)
OH my goodness....such a beautiful family and that sweet boy does look like Kim! I'm keeping you in my prayers Holli. Can't wait to find out baby M's whole name!
Oh my gosh! What a busy day! He's adorable! Congrats on being an Aunt again! Hurry up and deliver that baby girl, Holli!
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